
Announcing the Metis AI

Telegram Bot

Easily fetch price information, charts, market summaries, caps, performance, etc. for any coin right in the app itself!

Talk to the bot directly or add it to a group/channel.


Announcing the Metis AI

Telegram Bot

Easily fetch price information, charts, market summaries, caps, performance, etc. for any coin right in the app itself!

Talk to the bot directly or add it to a group/channel.



Clean & Beautiful Looking Charts

Get access to clean and beautiful looking candlestick charts with multiple indicators such as RSI, MACD, Bollinger Bands, Moving Averages, etc. for over 1600 coins in 11 different timeframes using extremely simple and intuitive commands right in the app itself.

It just doesn’t get any easier than that, does it?

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Many More Useful Commands

Get all kinds of live market data such as prices, summaries, caps, top coins, percentage changes, dominance, best performing coins, etc. for thousands of coins with simple commands…

Get It Now!

For a full list of supported commands, see our FAQ’s or type “/help”

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